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Salem State University Neighborhood Advisory Committee Minutes 1/16/2013
Salem State University Neighborhood Advisory Committee
January 16, 2013 – Minutes
6:00pm - SSU Central Campus - Enterprise Center Training Room B

Attendees:      David Coleman, Jack Hoar, Kristian Hoysradt, Marcia Lambert, Adria Leach, Shawn Newton, Joseph O’Keefe, and Jason Silva

Absent: Maureen Call, Jason Doviak, Robert McCarthy, Jim Rose and Josh Turiel

Guests: Joe Berry (Lee Kennedy Co., Inc.)

  • Library/Learning Commons Update – Joe Berry, Lee Kennedy Co., Inc.
  • Construction
  • The exterior envelope is complete, and the contractor continues on interior finishes.
  • Contractor will begin site and roadway work in the spring which will be completed by June.
  • Phase II Demolition
  • The phase II demolition is waiting on updated bid documents. Start of demolition will depend on approvals of state agencies. The scope of work will be presented to the neighborhood prior to the start of phase II demolition.
  • The portion of College Drive that has been closed throughout construction will remain closed until the demolition is complete.
  • Fitness & Recreation Center – Adria Leach
  • General
  • The contractor continues with steel erection. Upon completion of steel, the building will be temporarily enclosed for concrete pours. The university will notify neighbors when pours are scheduled to take place.
  • The City Council approved the relocation of a pole adjacent to 2/4 Atlantic Avenue and the installation of a pole on the university side of Atlantic Avenue, along with the necessary street cuts from the university property to the new pole. No opposition was presented at the hearing.
  • Neighborhood Disturbances
  • There was a mention of disturbances on Geneva Street. Salem Police’s Community Impact Unit is working to resolve this issue.
  • Alumni Field Lights
  • Alumni field lights were on last week to light the path for an event.
  • Pick Up and Delivery Schedule
  • Ms. Leach reported that the university’s delivery schedule is Monday through Friday, after 7 a.m.
  • Raymond Road Traffic Study – Jason Silva
  • The city engineer is managing this project. FST, the consultant, has fully designed improvements to the intersections at Raymond Road and Loring Avenue, and Loring Avenue and Lafayette Street. The bump outs at Raymond Road and Loring Avenue are likely to be completed this year.
  • It was noted that the traffic numbers and flow after the bump outs may not be entirely reflective of the improvements if it coincides with the Canal Street reconstruction project.
  • Councillor O’Keefe noted that the City Council was voting at the next meeting to move the handicapped spaces in front of Meier Hall on Lafayette Street further down to make more room for the shuttle bus drop off and pick up. It is expected to pass.
  • It was mentioned that high tension wires on the bike path between the university and Raymond Road hit each other during hurricane Sandy and set a tree on fire. The poles are on city property between the fences.
  • Councillor O’Keefe acknowledged Jason Silva’s assistance with the SSUNAC and the city at large, as this was his last SSUNAC meeting.
  • Jason Silva introduced Kristian Hoysradt, Director of Constituent Services & Special Projects in the Mayor’s office, who would be attending meetings until his replacement begins work.
  • Dunkin Donuts Window Treatment Meier Hall
  • Off-Campus Parking Update
  • The next meeting of the SSUNAC will be on Wednesday, February 20, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. in the Enterprise Center Training Room B located on Central Campus at 121 Loring Avenue.